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(Mon. to Fri., 8:00 am to 5:00 pm)

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+49 89 68004 - 666
Mon. to Thurs., 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Fri., 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

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PCS works with approximately 100 software and system house partners from all over the world. They offer security solutions based on INTUS products and addressing all areas of production data collection and security technology.

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Andrea Scholz
Personalreferentin Recruiting

+49 89 68004 - 0

Bei der Handvenenerkennung wird das Venenmuster im Inneren der Hand erfasst. Es ist ein hochsicheres und dabei komfortables biometrisches Verfahren.

In the simplest case, the possession of an identity card, usually with a photograph, which a control person compares with the "original" is sufficient for identification. It is reasonably secure, except for twins and doppelgangers, or if the person checking is under time pressure and only glances at the passport briefly.

If there is an increased need for security, a second criterion is therefore checked:

  • Knowledge: Knowledge of a password or PIN.
  • To have: Possession of an identity card, a key or a vehicle with certain plates.
  • To be: A physical characteristic such as a fingerprint, iris, face or a personal ability, e.g. to write his signature as it appears on his ID card.

Passwords and PINs are only partially secure. They can be deliberately passed on or spied on; in most cases it is carelessness like the password written down on a piece of paper in front of the computer monitor.

Forging a signature requires more skill, but even that is not an insoluble problem.

Today, the most secure method is identification by physical features such as fingerprint, retina, iris or vein recognition. Counterfeiting is very complex and can be almost completely ruled out with a correspondingly high technical effort.

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Your PCS Contact

Caroline Elsner
Head of Marketing Communications

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Caroline Elsner, Marketing
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