
Please get in touch. We will be pleased to assist you.

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+49 89 68004 - 0
(Mon. to Fri., 8:00 am to 5:00 pm)

PCS Locations

Service & Repair

Device Repair Order Form

+49 89 68004 - 666
Mon. to Thurs., 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Fri., 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Questions about software:

Questions about hardware /
other questions:

Our partner

PCS works with approximately 100 software and system house partners from all over the world. They offer security solutions based on INTUS products and addressing all areas of production data collection and security technology.

Solution partner

Installation partner


We are constantly looking for new, committed colleagues to strengthen our team.

Career page

Andrea Scholz
Personalreferentin Recruiting

+49 89 68004 - 0

We’ll be there before it’s too late.


The timely maintenance of hardware devices and software will help you extend the products’ service life and protect your investment.
PCS gives you the option to conclude different maintenance contracts with us. We offer preventive maintenance of your devices on-site to prevent errors before they occur.


Zwei Kollegen bei der Zusammenarbeit am PC

INTUS HArdware Check

For future-oriented life cycle management, we offer you a comprehensive analysis of existing INTUS installations with our INTUS Hardware Check.
A detailed report provides you with information on the current status of your devices and possible recommendations for action.


INTUS Hardware Check

PCS develops and manufactures INTUS terminals for time recording and access control in Munich, Germany. PCS stands for durable quality “Made in Germany” PCS Service is there to help you if need be.

Device repair

If one of your devices was damaged, for example by external influences, we will provide rapid assistance.

You can send in the damaged device and take advantage of our in-house repair service . In other cases it may make more sense to have one of our service engineers provide on-site repair service for you.


Liliane from the service and support center during a consulting call with a customer

Service Centers

Even though the majority of service cases may be handled via the internet and remote access nowadays, it is still reassuring to know that we will be right there with you to assist if need be.

Our Service Centers

The PCS customer and solution center takes care of the service and maintenance of your INTUS terminals.

Warranty extension

On request, you have the option to extend the warranty on our devices by 12 or 24 months.

Services of PCS Systemtechnik.

We support you all the way from consulting to maintenance. You are free to choose the service you need and would like to make use of.

  • Consultation

    We create a sustainable security concept for all your needs together with you.


  • Developing Concept

    Developing a comprehensive security concept can be a challenge. We'll gladly assist you.


  • Project Planning

    Based on your security concept we create a detailed project plan.

    Project Planning 

  • Installation

    A professional installation is a prerequisite for a successfully use of software and years of trouble-free operation of the devices.


  • Training

    To ensure a smooth start to the new system, we train your employees in all necessary skills.


  • Maintenance

    You have the choice: maintenance contracts, Software maintenance contracts, equipment service, remote maintenance, preventive maintenance. We’ll support you as you like.


Your PCS Contact

Ulrich Kastner-Jung
Managing Director - Customer Services

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Ulrich Kastner-Jung, Geschäftsführer
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